While Alejandro Mayorkas’s Unconstitutional DHS Investigates SC State Representative R.J. May, Governor McMaster Has A Constitutional Duty To Force DHS Out And To Let Local Authorities Investigate May
Dear Reader,
Taking the deep dive into understanding conspiracy is a dive that all adult Americans should be taking. This article contains a lot of information with some complexity. My hope is that you will take the time to read it fully and understand it fully. At the end of the article, you are encouraged to work on an action item. If your heart desires to take action, please follow my recommendation.
Evan Mulch
According to Will Folks at FitsNews, South Carolina State Representative R.J. May is being investigated by agents of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) special investigations unit (HSI). Folks reported that a search warrant was executed on the May’s West Columbia home Monday morning. The investigation, according to Folks, has to do with “probing allegations related to “child exploitation” — specifically allegations tied to child sex abuse materials (or "CSAM’), more commonly known as child pornography.”

Folks has reported that according to sources familiar with the execution of the raid on Rep. May’s home, “unspecified files and electronic devices were reportedly seized in connection with the raid.” He also reported that sources familiar with the probable cause affidavit, which led to the issuance of the search warrant, confirmed that there was more than enough information provided to properly obtain the warrant.
In Folks’s latest article about the investigation, Folks went on to post a photo (shown below) of Rep. May with a “Police HSI” badge in the background. The photo edit that was done on the photo is quite shady which may have been done for the purpose of projecting Rep. May as a shady person.

Many that follow Folks’s FitsNews understand that Folks likes to see himself as the director of the South Carolina soap opera, often playing the role of reporting news in an outlandish way rather than with a principled American tone. That being said, it’s important that we report this story in the manner that principled Americans should and that begins with helping our readers to better understand conspiracy, a plot where two or more people work together towards evil ends. When people are involved in a conspiracy together, to them, the ends justifies the means.
On July 22nd, 2017, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explained the strategy of the wrap-up smear while talking to the press.
“You demonize…We call it the wrap-up smear if you want to talk politics…You smear somebody with falsehoods and all of the rest and then you merchandise it — and then you write it and then they’ll say see it’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this so they have that validation that the press reported the smear. And then it’s called the wrap-up smear, now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made and it’s a tactic and it’s self-evident.”

When Pelosi said that you “smear somebody with falsehoods and all of the rest”, we know that for many the name Donald Trump comes to mind as not one American has been smeared more than him with falsehoods during the last few years. Before the era of Donald Trump smears, there was a time period when Sharyl Attkisson was smeared.
Attkisson had worked as an investigative correspondent in the Washington D.C. bureau for CBS News. She became a nuisance to the Obama administration when she reported on facts in regards to Benghazi and Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration did not what known by the public. She was smeared when she reported for CBS that Eric Holder “knew about Fast and Furious and received briefings on the scandal as far back as July 2010” although Holder had “told Congress that he learned of the operation late in 2011, about 10 months later.”
Due to her willingness to report the truth, Attkisson became the target of the FBI and she alleged that the FBI intended to plant child porn on her husband’s computer. She said the words below while taking part in a part conference with members in Congress:
“…may I say one little reported asset of my case is one of the federal agents involved in one of the operations against me said that they intended to plant child porn in my husband’s computer. This is the FBI. There has been a case that’s currently in litigation unrelated on which an FBI agent has testified that they did that…It was not accomplished in my case, I guess the curtain was drawn on that facet of the operation prior to them doing it but imagine how you ever get out of that. They knew we had a young daughter at home and allegedly conspired to do that.”

Whether or not Rep. R.J. May is innocent or guilty is not known right now but it should be reminded that American justice is supposed to work in a way where one is innocent until proven guilty. If Rep. May turns out to be innocent and it turn out that DHS and SLED are involved in a wrap-up smear campaign, what will be the repercussions for DHS and their HSI agents? If Rep. May is guilty, we would hope that there would be justice for the victims involved.
Although not much is clear right now for the public in regards to what is going on with the investigation, it is completely clear to patriotic Americans who are well-studied on the U.S. Constitution that DHS has no constitutional authority to operate in South Carolina. You may ask, “how can this be the case?”. The answer lies in the fact that the states never gave the federal government authority to create DHS in the U.S. Constitution.
DHS was created by the federal government as a response to the events on September 11th, 2001. The Homeland Security Act of 2002, which created DHS, was signed by President George W. Bush on November 25th, 2002.
The Freedom Index, a congressional scorecard based on the U.S. Constitution, wrote this about the vote for The Homeland Security Act of 2002:
This bill (H.R. 5005) would consolidate 22 federal agencies into a new Cabinet-level Homeland Security Department with a $37.5 billion budget and 170,000 employees. Far from being a response to 9-11, the Office of Homeland Security had been in the works long before the terrorist attacks. The basic blueprint for the department was created by the Council on Foreign Relations-dominated Hart-Rudman Commission. Creating the Homeland Security Department would be a giant step toward integrating federal, state, and local law enforcement under federal supervision, the hallmark of a police state. For example, the Bush administration’s "National Strategy for Homeland Security" states: "[T]he homeland security community will view the federal, state, and local governments as one entity….”
Alarming enough is that the basic blueprint for DHS was created by the Hart-Rudman Commission which was dominated by members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Gary Hart who is the Hart in Hart-Rudman was even a member of the CFR. The CFR since it’s creation was developed for the purpose of destroying America’s constitutional republic system so that America could become a marxist region of the New World Order’s One World Government. More can be learned about this by watching the documentary titled ShadowRing or by reading the book Shadows of Power by James Perloff. This author once had an encounter with the former President of the Council of Foreign Relations Richard Haass during a Zoom call, where he at first denied being part of the conspiracy but then later admitted to it.

The Homeland Security Act of 2002 is anti-American as the founders of our constitutional federal republic would have never permitted the U.S. Constitution to allow for a nationalized police state authority that provided federal supervision to the states. Their viewpoint was very much the opposite of the many tyrants that currently call most of the shots for the federal government as in their viewpoint it was the job of the states to supervise the federal government. History also tells us that when local police get nationalized, it can end up very badly a people as seen with the Soviet Cheka and the Nazi Gestapo.
In the case of what is happening to Rep. R.J. May, it is very obvious that the Department of Homeland Security is now acting as if it is the federal government’s national police force. Whose job is it then to work against the intrusion of states by an illegal organization like DHS? It is the job of elected officials of each state to tell the federal government to keep its unconstitutional organizations out of their land. If the elected officials won’t do it, then it’s We The People that have to take action.
When Governor McMaster has taken his oaths to serve as Governor, he has placed his left hand on The Holy Bible and held his right hand in the air saying the words, “I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Keep in mind that Governor McMaster did not say the words, “I do solemnly swear that I will be subject and subservient to the federal government and that I will support and defend all laws passed by Congress or the Supreme Court or the President, never questioning their authority to legislate in all matters whatsoever.”
So why is it that Governor Henry McMaster is allowing the Department of Homeland Security to send its agents into South Carolina? Is Governor McMaster a pushover without the spine to say no? Does he know that DHS is an unconstitutional agency? Does it matter to him that DHS is an unconstitutional agency?
To those that may argue that the U.S. Constitution does not specifically prohibit DHS, therefore, the federal government is constitutionally allowed to create DHS — they should be reminded of the words of James Madison in Federalist #45 when he said, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined.” Thomas Jefferson said something similar when he said that, “To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power no longer susceptible of any definition.”
How did it become that Americans allowed so many unconstitutional organizations to be created by the federal government? A major change in interpreting the U.S. Constitution happened between 1941 and 1945 under President Franklin Roosevelt when Attorney General Francis Biddle gave an incorrect interpretation of the U.S. Constitution when he stated, “The government of the United States can do anything not specifically prohibited by the Constitution.” Biddle was basically stating that the federal government now had boundless power and history has taught us that President Roosevelt’s administration certainly acted that way. It has now been about 80 years since this change in interpretation. Is it any wonder why our constitutional republic system is so dysfunctional at this point?
It must not be overlooked that America is currently on a very slippery slope. When an unconstitutional federal organization like the DHS is allowed into South Carolina, a state with some of the most patriotic history, what comes next?
Americans need to become well aware that DHS has had a shift of focus since it’s creation. DHS first had Americans focused on Muslims as Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network was blamed by the federal government for the terrorist events on September 11th, 2001. Twenty-one years later, on September 11th, 2022, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart that, “We began to be more and more concerned about the individual already resident in the United States radicalized by a foreign terrorist ideology. Now we are seeing an emerging threat of course over the last several years of the domestic violent extremist. The individual here in the United States radicalized to violence by a foreign terrorist ideology but also an ideology of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms, even personal grievances.”

Could it be that Rep. May is an “emerging threat” and was “caught” by one of the 34 organizations recently awarded $20 million in federal government grants to help identify extremists?

Could Rep. May be taking part in “extremist” behavior for participating in the South Carolina Freedom Caucus much like the extremist behavior Sharyl Attkisson took part in before the FBI allegedly carried out a plan to plant child porn on her husband’s computer? In DHS’s report titled Report to the Secretary of Homeland Security Domestic Violent Extremism Internal Review: Observations, Findings, and Recommendations, they went into detail on what they believed the threat landscape was for current domestic violent extremism. Who has become their domestic threat? Included are those that point to “narratives of fraud in the recent general election” and narratives of fraud regarding “conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic”. Below is an image from their report regarding the Current Domestic Violent Extremism Threat Landscape.

More will likely be known regarding the unconstitutional DHS’s pursuit of Rep. May in the coming days. What is already known? DHS should not be operating in South Carolina.
Please call Governor Henry McMaster at (803) 734-2100 today and tweet to him @scgovernorpress using the image below. Remind him that he took an oath that includes stopping unconstitutional federal organizations from entering our state and that he and the state legislature must stop DHS! The investigation of Rep. May should be done with local authorities!