Canadian truckers say warnings won't scare away Freedom Convoy

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 02/17/2022
OTTAWA, Ontario – Canadian truckers who received notices by police to leave or potentially be arrested said law enforcement was "over-stepping" with another "scare tactic," and vowed to stay.

"Those who are willing to give their life for this cause, need much more than being threatened with arrest, with fines, with losing insurance," trucker Csaba Vizi told Fox News Digital.

Canadian truckers have been protesting in Ottawa since late January calling for an end to COVID-19 mandates. On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history. By Wednesday, police began handing out notices warning demonstrators to leave or potentially face arrest for "committing a criminal offense" by "blocking the streets."

"It's not a piece of paper that's going to make me leave," one trucker told Fox News Digital. "I'm here to stay."
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