Coordinated Attack On Parents? NEA Called On Big Tech To Combat Anti-CRT ‘Propaganda’ Pushed By ‘Violent’ ‘Radicalized’ Parents

Soon after the National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent a controversial letter to the Biden administration which asked for federal law enforcement to be leveraged against protesting parents — who were also compared to domestic terrorists — the National Education Association (NEA) sent a similar letter to social media companies.

In this letter, the NEA urged these companies to “prioritize the safety of people over profits” by stifling “propaganda” on the subject of Critical Race Theory (CRT) which supposedly stoked the “alarming” growth of “a small but violent group of radicalized” parents.

“Following recent revelations that the White House actually helped draft the NSBA letter and claims that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited the letter (a claim a Department of Education spokesperson has denied), critics have suggested that the NEA letter represents yet more coordination between government and interest groups to silence parents,” Fox Newsreported.

“This looks like a concerted effort between the federal government and outside groups like the NEA and NSBA to interfere with the First Amendment rights of parents,” Ian Prior, father and executive director at Fight for Schools, told Fox News Digital on Wednesday. 

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