Education Secretary Cardona solicited National School Board's 'domestic terrorists' letter, report

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona reportedly solicited the controversial letter from the National School Boards Association last fall that conflated the actions of discontent parents at local school board meetings to those of domestic terrorists.

An email exchange reviewed by Fox News indicates Cardona, previously Connecticut's education secretary, played a larger-than-previously-understood role in the creation of the letter. 

The NSBA letter became national news upon revelations it called on President Biden to use the Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies to stop "threats and acts of violence" on school officials during school board meetings.

In an Oct. 5, 2021, email chain, Kristi Swett, the NSBA secretary-treasurer, recounted that the group's interim CEO, Chip Slaven, "told the officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cardona."

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