Gavin Newsom Signs Law to Make Abortions Free in California

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 03/24/2022
Lawmakers are staying busy to make sure abortion on demand is the law of state as the United States Supreme Court revisits Roe v. Wade, including in California where women will be able to abort their unborn child for free.

“With this legislation, we’ll help ensure equitable, affordable access to abortion services so that out-of-pocket costs don’t stand in the way of receiving care,” California Governor Gavin Newsom said in a statement. 

Senate Bill 245, named the Abortion Accessibility Act, prohibits insurance companies from charging a deductible, co-pay, or deductible for the procedure, which in California is available until  “fetus viability.”

Newsom’s wife is referred to as “First Partner” in the left-wing San Francisco Chronicle’sreport on the law and pregnancy as a condition experienced by “pregnant people.”
California flag by Tim Mossholder is licensed under Unsplash

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