House Judiciary Committee Requests Documents over Bank of America Giving FBI Private Info

  • by:
  • Source: Breitbart
  • 05/26/2023

The House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Bank of America (BoA) CEO Brian Moynihan requiring documents and communications surrounding the bank’s decision to provide the FBI with their customers’ private banking information “voluntarily and without any legal process.”

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust Chairman Thomas Massie (R-KY) sent a letter to Bank of America after FBI whistleblowers testified that the bank provided a list of anyone who used their services in the Washington, DC, area regardless of whether or not they participated in the January 6 protests.

Massie and Jordan emphasized that Bank of America provided the FBI with this information “voluntarily and without any legal process.”

It remains unclear if Bank of America voluntarily provided Americans’ transaction data to the FBI Washington Field Office or if they complied with a bulk subpoena.


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