Govt of Spain Rips Child From Home | Tell Spain to Let Carlos Come Home | Lynz Piper-Loomis

A few weeks ago I received one of those e-mails that makes your heart and gut sink from an advocate overseas. She explained the horrific situation in which the Government of Spain illegally took a child from his parents. Their story is harrowing and horrific and yet here they are still standing.

I promised God that this platform belonged/belongs to Him. I will use to expose, and bring call to action. I am sharing with you the video of exposure so that you can hear what happened to this family. A child suffered from abuse at the hands of other family members, and then the government rips the child away from the only place he has known as home as young child. This is unacceptable in America, in Spain, and in any nation. The NGO's that have erected themselves in the name of social services to benefit children instead harm children. Children and family services is the same beast no matter what country. Carlos is dual citizen of both the United Kingdom and Spain. 

The government weaponized its power against this family during covid. Carlos (the child) has suffered trauma and the school forcibly tied a mask to his face. This further traumatized him.

My heart breaks for this family, and I believe that we as a community can put pressure on both the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain to let Carlos come home. 

The call to action is simple today. You have two choices. You can read this, dismiss it, and think someone else will do what I am asking you to do. OR...You will read this, and take immediate action, and spread the word. 

Please take the time to watch the video from yesterday, and hear their story. Share the video, share this e-mail, and follow the Call-To-Action steps. Carlos must come home. 



Carlos Rico Phillips
Case No. (DPMA) 352-2022-00001043-1

E-mail, and call (if you can) the following entities with Carlos' full name and case number. Tell them to let Carlos come home! We come together as a movement and a community to fill their phones and e-mail boxes until they let Carlos come back home. Think if this was your son or daughter. 

1) UK. Consulate


2) Spain/Minster of Justice

3) Contact Social Services Agent Marga Salcedo Lopez and tell her to "Let Carlos Rico Phillips" come home! 

+34 617 42 84 17

This is what Agent Marga Salcedo Lopez looks like:

This is the man who took Carlos from his parents!

Now you know what to do! Share the video and this e-mail with everyone you know in your phone, your contact list through every social media platform you have, and your e-mail contact list! Carlos was illegally taken by the government of Spain, and he is worth a lot of money to them in the social care system. The NGO makes a lot off of him too!

I appreciate you doing this! It is a small price to pay for the horrific price this family has paid.


God bless you and keep you.

Carlos by is licensed under

Lynz Piper-Loomis LLC
P.O. Box 40551
North Charleston, SC 29423

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