Jewish Students Sue NYU Over Antisemitism

Bella Ingber, Sabrina Maslavi and Saul Tawil said in their complaint filed in Manhattan federal court that NYU has not enforced its own policies against discrimination.

According to the complaint, the school allowing “the same anti-Jewish vitriol the Nazis propagated eighty years ago,” NYU has violated federal civil rights law and failed on its duties to provide the education the plaintiffs expected when they enrolled.

The students also said Jewish students’ complaints are “ignored, slow-walked, or met with gaslighting” by NYU administrators.

The lawsuit seeks to require NYU to terminate employees and suspend or expel students who engage in antisemitism, and pay compensatory and punitive damages.

“NYU’s deliberate indifference toward the plight of its Jewish students under siege by egregious antisemitism has been outrageous,” said Marc Kasowitz, a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

From Newsmax:

The plaintiffs said antisemitism had been a "growing institutional problem" at NYU even before the war between Israel and Hamas began last month, and has since gotten worse.

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