Joe Biden's 2023 Border Plan: Two Migrants for Every American Birth

  • by:
  • Source: Breitbart
  • 12/02/2022

President Joe Biden’s border agency expects 9,000 to 14,000 economic migrants per day after officials remove the Title 42 legal barrier in late December, says CNN.

The predicted inflow adds up to roughly 4.5 million migrants per year or more than one extra southern migrant for every American birth in the United States.

The southern flow of roughly 4.5 million will add to the annual inflow of roughly 2 million legal immigrants, visa workers, and tourists illegally taking jobs.

The combined inflow would deliver roughly seven million migrants in 2023, or two migrants for each of the 3.6 million Americans born in 2020.

gray cyclone fence by Cole Patrick is licensed under Unsplash

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