Liz Cheney's Hunter Biden problem: Husband's firm reps China companies, dictatorial regimes

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  • Source: Just the News
  • 02/09/2022
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) called on the U.S. to stand up to the "generational threat" posed by China while unveiling a major report on Beijing's "malign behavior" at the same time her husband's law firm was working on behalf of companies linked to China's military, intelligence, and security services.

As Cheney stood at the podium, her husband Philip Perry’s law firm was cashing in on legal and lobbying work that his employer — Latham & Watkins (LW), one of the largest law firms in the world — was doing for a host of Chinese companies, some of which were involved in the kind of activity that Cheney was warning had to be stopped.

All of LW's work discussed in this article was legal, and Perry didn't work directly on these accounts. But as a partner at the firm, he benefits and profits from all its work.

Perry's firm's work for Chinese entities and countries whose human rights abuses and authoritarian rule have troubled the U.S. for years seems to conflict with his wife's frequent calls for America to stand up to autocratic regimes like China. The dynamic is one familiar to longtime observers of Washington, D.C.: a power couple calling out the very behavior from which they benefit.

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