Nolte: Polls Show Hobbled Biden Limping Into SOTU, Trailing Trump in Rematch

  • by:
  • Source: Breitbart
  • 02/28/2022
His Fraudulency Joe Biden will give his State of the Union address in a political environment where polls show him losing to Donald Trump in a potential 2024 rematch.

After 14 months in office, more than a year defined by every conceivable domestic and foreign policy failure, polling from NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ shows former President Trump beating His Fraudulency by four points.

β€œAnd if the next election for president was held today and the major party candidates were Donald Trump and Joe Biden, for whom would you vote?” the pollsters asked. Joe Biden earned just 36.5 percent of the vote, while the former president earned 40.6 percent. Sixteen percent chose a third-party candidate, while six percent said they would sit the election out. The margin of error is three points.

This aligns almost perfectly with the RealClearPolitics poll of polls, which tracks the hypothetical 2024 face-off polling and shows Trump beating Slow Joe on an average of 3.7 points.

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