Rep. Liz Cheney Uses Jan. 6 Committee to Persecute Political Opponents Working to Unseat Her in Wyoming

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is abusing her authority as a member of the Jan. 6 committee to persecute her political opponents working to unseat her in Wyoming.

The illegal and overreaching Jan. 6 commission announced on Tuesday that they would be subpoenaing Andrew Surabian, an aide for Donald Trump Jr. who has written speeches for President Donald Trump. 

“Protestors became rioters who carried out a violent attempt to derail the peaceful transfer of power. We have reason to believe the individuals we’ve subpoenaed today have relevant information,” committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said in a statement.

Surabian is currently an advisor for the Wyoming Values Political Action Committee (PAC), which is working to rally support on behalf of Harriet Hageman, the most prominent Cheney opponent working to remove her from office. In addition, Surabian had no role in organizing any of the rallies that occurred on Jan. 6. His targeting by the commission appears to be completely motivated to bolster Cheney’s ambitions to stay in office.
Liz Cheney by Wyoming National Guard is licensed under flickr Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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