RINO Utah Gov. Spencer Cox Vetoes Legislation Banning ‘Amazing’ Transgender Athletes in School Sporting Events

Utah Governor Spencer Cox, a RINO Republican, is vetoing legislation banning transgender athletes from participating in high school sporting events in his uber-conservative state.

Cox has succumbed to far-left insanity, paying lip service to mentally-ill reprobates who get their genitals mutilated as part of their induction into the satanic LGBT cult.

“Anyone that’s interacted with the transgender community understands how amazing they are and how difficult it can be for them. I don’t want to make things harder for them than they have to be,” Cox said.

Cox will veto legislation passed by the Republican-dominated legislature that banned made participation in high school sports “determined by an individual’s genetics and anatomy at birth.” He posted a groveling pathetic post on Facebook in which the traitorous Republican showed he cares more about the feelings of potential predators than common sense, decency and Christian values.
Gov. Spencer Cox by Utah Reps is licensed under flickr Public Domain Mark 1.0

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