The Point of No Return

The Roman historian Suetonius described Julius Caesar as timid and noncommittal as he initially approached the Rubicon River -- a shallow and narrow waterway that, at the time, demarcated the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper -- in January 49 B.C.E.

In fact, the historian ultimately attributed Caesar's decision to cross the waterway, precipitating a four-year civil war and ultimate Caesarian dictatorship, to the supernatural. Prior to crossing, again according to Suetonius, Caesar uttered the now-infamous phrase: "The die has been cast."

While we cannot know for certain whether New York County, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg's catastrophic decision to successfully indict and arraign a former president of the United States was partially attributable to an intervening apparition, we can reasonably conclude that the actions of this past week have cast a most woeful die for the trajectory of our decadent, declining republic. The 34-count formal indictment of former President Donald Trump, laughably meritless on the legal merits and scandalously imprudent on the broader political judgment, represents a genie that cannot, and will not, ever be returned to its bottle.

Donald Trump by Benjamin Applebaum is licensed under flickr U.S. government works

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