
Trump Vows To Sign Order To End Birthright Citizenship If Re-Elected
Former President Donald Trump says he will sign an executive order to end birthright citizenship on his first day back in the White House if he is re-elected in 2024. Read More.
Meet The 'Nonpartisan' Dark-Money Group Rigging MI Elections
A vast network of liberal dark money is using ballot initiatives to buy substantial electoral reforms that would otherwise be impossible. Read More.
John Durham Set To Testify In Congress Over Damning Report On FBI
Special counsel John Durham is set to testify on Capitol Hill next month after releasing his report excoriating the FBI over its handling of investigations into the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Read More.
'Simply ignore it' says Florida Black business owner about NAACP's travel advisory
Mike Hill, a Florida business owner, reacted to the NAACP's travel advisory that accused the the Sunshine State of being hostile towards people of color. Read More.
House Judiciary Committee Requests Documents over Bank of America Giving FBI Private Info
Republicans requested communications surrounding Bank of America's decision to provide the FBI with their customers' private banking info. Read More.
The Biggest Loser In The 2024 GOP Primary Is Corporate Media
Current GOP front-runners Trump and DeSantis are both wise to run their campaigns on their own terms, not the corporate media's. Read More.
Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden's "Pay for Play" Contract/Emails Revealed From Days Before the Infamous "Son of a Bitch Was Fired" Trip to Ukraine
Joe Biden infamously bragged about his “$1 billion loan guarantee” quid-pro-quo meeting that to place in December 2015 in Ukraine. Read More.
This State's Radical Abortion Amendment Is Another Attempt to Abolish Parental Rights
 As Townhall reported earlier this year, Ohio voters will consider a radical constitutional amendment that its supporters claim is merely about repealing Ohio's "heartbeat law" protecting unborn children from abortion. Read More.
‘I’ve Been Shot At’: Combat Veteran Blows Up MSNBC Guest’s Claim That Florida Is A ‘Terrorist State’
Congressman Mike Waltz (R-FL) fired back on Tuesday after an MSNBC guest claimed that Florida was “about to be a terrorist state” for black Americans and anyone in the LGBTQ community. Read More.
The Pride Cult Really Hates Judeo-Christian Values
Batten down the hatches, y’all: Pride Month is coming. And much like “Christmas creep,” the Pride celebrations tend to start earlier and earlier every year. We can’t escape Pride Month no matter how hard we try. Read More.
Long Island Is In A 'State Of Emergency' Over Migrant Crisis
Mayor Eric Adams reportedly arranged to shuttle migrants to eastern Long Island only to be stonewalled by Republicans.  Read More.
A SECOND Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblower Emerges After Being Fired - Biden Regime Threatens to Criminally Prosecute Whistleblower
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that an IRS whistleblower came forward to allege the Biden regime was mishandling the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and giving him special treatment. Read More.
Nebraska Becomes 18th State To Ban Transgender Surgeries On Children
Republican Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen signed a bill that bans transgender surgeries on those 18 and younger in the Cornhusker State and bans most abortions at 12 weeks. Read More.
BREAKING: Suspect in White House gate U-Haul crash identified as Sai Varshith Kandula
The driver who crashed a U-Haul into the security barriers near the White House on Monday evening has been identified as Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, of Chesterfield, Missouri. Read More.
‘Nothing Is Off The Table’: Jim Jordan Outlines Response To Durham Report
Special counsel John Durham‘s long-awaited report serves as a guide for how Congress can further investigate the Russiagate controversy, according to a top GOP lawmaker. Read More.

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